So I found an iPhone just sitting nicely on the table at the void deck the other day.
Checked the phone and it was password protected.
Waited for my friend to arrive and even after we been there for some time, the owner of the phone had not called or even come to look for it.
So I decided to hold on to it until the owner tries to recover his/her phone.
Brough the phone home with me and thought I’d just try to unlock it.
First try was 0000. Failed.
Unlocked it with 8888 on my second try. Took me just 3 seconds to unlock the phone.
Congratulations Desmond Joe on your new iPhone!
It was the most boring phone ever, no social media accounts, no pictures, no messages and just one contact in the phone book.
Looked around a bit more and found out the owners name and e-mail.
Sent an e-mail to Derrick, telling him I found his iPhone and left my number for him to contact me.

No replies to my email and the iPhone did not even ring once. This person doesn’t want the phone or what?
So I messaged the only contact on his phone, Carine, using my own phone.
Hi Carine,
I found Derrick’s phone last night and tried to reach him but he hasn’t replied yet. Could you get him to contact me?
Hello Joe
Let me try to reach him.
Derrick’s iPhone that is with me starts ringing..

At this point, I’m thinking like I should’ve just kept the phone and saved myself all the trouble – you know since I unlocked it and all.
So Carine rang Derrick’s phone a few more times. I just watched it ring and waited for her to realise..

Derrick calls me and says he didn’t even know he lost his phone until Carine called him. It was his spare phone for work.
When I met Derrick, he asked, “How did you manage to unlock my phone?”
“Seriously bro.. 8888? It took me just 3 seconds.”
In this case, it was good that he had a weak password. There was nothing on the phone that needed to be protected anyway and most importantly he got it back.